A Thanksgiving Moment to Last a Lifetime



Yesterday, my son and I walked around Downtown Dallas enjoying the cloudy, yet pleasant, weather. We (or rather, I) decided to visit Dealey Plaza and the site of the John F. Kennedy assassination. As we joined the crowds and dozens of people focused on the podium and speakers, we were all asked to take part in a moment of silence to mark the exact day and time that Kennedy was assassinated. It was a powerful moment to stand there alongside my son to mark such a turning point in our nation’s history.

As we listened to the speakers and looked around at the photos and differing eyewitness accounts, I saw this quote:

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” -John F. Kennedy

Our visit to Dealey Plaza may have been a coincidence, but it was a moment that offered the gift of a thousand reflections. Thanksgiving is about showing gratitude. But as the quote says, we should also look to show gratitude throughout our entire lives.

Our EJP Marketing Co. family is thankful for you! And today and everyday, we hope our actions continue to show this to all that encounter us.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Ayona Anderson
Founder & Principal at EJP Marketing Co.

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